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Sonoma County Gazette February 2022 article on Women's Spaces Celebrating 10 Years on Radio. Download pdf:
PDF:10 Years

Dr. Kim D. Hester Williams Dr. Kim D. Hester Williams returned on
March 17, 2025 and  February 12, 2024 discussing the History of Black Women in Literature and in Music. and previously on May 11, 2020, June 8, 2020, and  July 6, 2020 with a 3-part series of Feminism and Black Lives Matter. Click here for the show's page.
Marianne Williamson - Official Campaign Marianne Williamson resident 2024 Photo
Marianne Williamson has returned to Women's Spaces for our show in 9/18/2023 Conversation. Previously she was on our 1/14/2013 and 2/25/2013 shows on
Law of Divine Compensation.

 Gloria AllredAttorney Gloria Allred has returned to Women's Spaces for our July 11, 2022 show on the SCOTUS Reversal of Roe v Wade and Next Steps. She also contributed as a guest on March 5, 2018, and on June 15, 2020.
Click the dates above for show's webpage.  

Lynn Woolsey, Former Congresswoman, Marin/SonomaLynn Woolsey, Congress-woman (Retired) returned on 10/16/2023 and on  8/162021 to speak on bold steps for our Nation to take.

Dr. Jean Shinoda Boilen, Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen
 returned on Monday June 29, 2020 as a guest on Women's Spaces to discuss the  Millionth Circle of women coming together.  Visit the show's page by clicking here.



Before Deciding

When our representatives are making important decisions that impact all of our lives I believe it is important to ask one basic question before making
those decisions,
Is this good for
the children?

Just imagine what our world would be like if that question was asked prior to making decisions about going to war, the environment, education or healthcare.


Click the News tab for updates to the website.

2/1/2022: Sonoma County Gazette February 2022 article on Women's Spaces Celebrating 10 Years on Radio.
8/31/2021: Podcasts are available on the following venues:

 iTunes, Spotify, Amazon
, and Audible.

8/30/2021: The top menu bar has changed with the Radio and TV selections now reduced to one selection for Archives. Clicking it leads one to a webpage with the choice for either Radio or TV shows, which leads to their archived show list.

3/5/2018: Women's Spaces Show begins to air a repeat broadcast on Radio KPCA
103.3 FM Petaluma and at this link stream
on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM. 

10/30/2017:  Women's Spaces celebrates its 5th Anniversary returning to Radio KBBF for a weekly live 1-hour show at 11am, repeating at 11pm.

3/21/2017:  The mp3 audio player has been changed so the shows no longer autoplay on opening the webpages of shows archived in 2017 and forward, as well as on the home page.

7/13/2015:  The 11 AM Monday show on Radio KBBF FM-89.1 now repeats at 11 PM.
9/1/2012:  Radio KBBF FM-89.1 for North San Francisco Bay Area begins broadcasting a regular weekly Women's Spaces Show on Mondays at 11:00 AM Pacific Time. See our Radio page (its tab is on the menu bar above) for the links to archive pages of the live shows that have been broadcast. 


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Freya, our little Norfolk Terrier, Rest in Peace
Click photo above of Freya for her wisdom.

Logo for Women's Spaces , dedicated to ordinary women doing extraordinary things. www.womensspaces.com


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From the Archives, Women's Spaces presents:

Show Produced Live on Radio KBBF FM-89.1

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We need Bi-lingual Radio in our Wine Country for Local Emergencies such as in our Wild Fire Disaster. This could be the only link for you and others living in our broadcast area, especially those living in and by Santa Rosa and Sonoma County.  Women's Spaces is grateful to broadcast the show from the Santa Rosa studio of KBBF. Click on the icon below and Please Donate to Listener Supported Radio KBBF - mention Women's Spaces for one-time and sustaining donations.

 KBBF-FM 89.1 logo and link to its website

Date of Show Produced in the KBBF Studio Title
Click to play - available after the broadcast on KBBF

Migrant Education Family Fund

Two Decades of Community Concerns about Law Enforcement in Sonoma County

Duration minutes

Original Radio Show  ID:

Mp3 Player

Announcements  (See Links below)

Featured Guests

1. Julie Combs, Council Member, Santa Rosa City Council, Migrant Education Family Fund

2. Mary Moore Advocate, Oversight of Community Law Enforcement in Sonoma County

3. Karen Saari, Advocate, Oversight of Community Law Enforcement in Sonoma County


 1.  City Councilmember Julie Combs talks about the Migrant Education Family Fund that she helped set up to address the needs of migrant families after the recent Wildfire Disaster that destroyed residences and places of employment. Elaine shares the news of a surpise donation to the Migrant Education Family Fund of $500 raised on hearing of the Wild Fire Disaster in a bake sale by the Laytonville Elementary School pupils of her granddaughter-in-law Amber Jensen on her first year teaching assignment,  

About our Guest: Julie Combs was elected to the City Council of Santa Rosa in 2012 and was re-elected in 2016.  Julie earned her BS in Mechanical Engineering from Syracuse Universtiy and a BA in Psychology  from UNC-G. Julie is married and lives in Bennet Valley with her husband.  Julie has been advocating Housing for All and has a 24-point plan addressing the issue on her website.

Guest Links: Migrant Education Family Fund Donation page

Facebook page of Migrant Education Family Fund

Santa Rosa City Councilmember site



2. & 3. Mary Moore and Karen Saari talk about growing into their advocacy for review and oversight with supoena power of community law enforcement in Sonoma County. In the late 1990s, there was a spate of police in Sonoma County. Their advocating culminated in 2000 in a report by the California Advisory Committee to the US Commission on Civil Rights on Community Concerns about Law Enforcement in Sonoma County that was submitted to the County Board of Supervisors and the city councils in the county. The report was basically shelved.  The report saw the light of day again, however, after the Sonoma County Sheriff deputy shooting and killing of a 13-year old Andy Lopez carrying a toy gun in Santa Rosa, and a citizens' Justice Coalition for Andy Lopez (JCAL) raised their voices in protest of local policies concenrning the police and community interaction.  The report is discussed and links to the report will be posted below when available.

 About our Guest: Mary Moore has been a social justice activist since 1962 focusing on issues or racism, sexism and classism. In the late ‘70s she organized a statewide network to stop Diablo Canyon and Rancho Secco nukes. She co founded the Bohemian Grove Action Network in 1980 to raise awareness of the elite and small network of men with outsized influence that gather annually at Bohemian Grove in Sonoma County. n the mid ‘90s she helped to start a local movement against police abuse, getting the US Civil Rights Commission to hold hearings in Sonoma County and documenting the unacceptable amount of killings by police.
She is currently working on an archives project for the Bancroft Library in Berkeley, CA, and writing a book. 

About our Guest: Karen Saari earned her BA in History from Russell Sage College.  Karen currently works as a paralegal for a California appellate attorney and also as a professional organizer for self-employed professionals. In the late 1990s she  made a presentation on the local deaths and attracted some national attention. Ultimately, Project Censored offered to sponsor Karen in a research project to identify all police-related deaths in the US for one calendar year. To her knowledge, this was the first such project on police-involved deaths of civilians ever conducted. The result was the Stolen Lives- Killed by Law Enforcement project and book. Since that time, 20 years ago, she has continued to keep track of law enforcement related deaths of civilians here in Sonoma County.

Guest Links:  Stolen Lives- Killed by Law Enforcement  book

Facebook page of Stolen Lives - killed by US Law Enforcement


Announcement Links 

Migrant Education Family Fund Donation page


 Music Selections:

The Opening and Closing Theme song is with permission of the Composer and Singer Alix Dobkin: The Woman in Your Life is You by Alix Dobkin from the album Living with Lavender Jane (Women's Wax Works) - www.alixdobkin.com

Get Together sung by Indigo Girls from the Album: Strange Fire (Epic)

Democracy sung by Burns Sister Band from the Album: Wild Bouquet (Ithaca Records 2006)

Link to Spinitron.com Playlist of the Women's Spaces Show



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Women's Spaces.com Dedicated to ordinary women doing extraordinary things


We need Bi-lingual Radio in our Wine Country for Local Emergencies such as in our Wild Fire Disaster. This could be the only link for you and others living in our broadcast area, especially those living in and by Santa Rosa and Sonoma County.  Women's Spaces is grateful to broadcast the show from the Santa Rosa studio of KBBF. Click on the icon below and Please Donate to Listener Supported Radio KBBF - mention Women's Spaces for one-time and sustaining donations.

 KBBF-FM 89.1 logo and link to its website

If you would like to hear the Women's Spaces show and other fine shows on bilingual Radio KBBF on your FM radio in  the North San Francisco Bay area then support the station, become a member and donate to the station at www.kbbf-fm.org

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Rosey, our rescued Chorky

Rosey says:
"What you think of me is none of my business!"


Take the Women's Spaces' Pledge!

Women's Spaces Pledge

Of course, substitute your favorite name for Higher Power.


Click the images for streaming the most current show when broadcast.

KBBF-FM 89.1 logo and link to its website

9/1/12: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming its 1-Hour show on Radio KBBF 89.1 FM, Mondays live at 11:00 AM and repeats at 11:00 PM. kbbf.org


KPCA Petaluma Community Radio Logo

3/5/2018: The Women's Spaces Show  is airing and streaming Wednesdays at 10:00 AM on Radio KPCA 103.3 FM. It is a repeat of Monday's live show. Click here for website.



Please support our sponsors

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Scent of Light at www.kennethenorton.com

Ken Norton presents 5-minute episodes On the Scent of Light over Radio KOWS 92.5 FM and archived online.


The William Hermanns Trust featuring the Life and Works of William Hermanns 1895-1990 including the two books shown: The Holcaust-from a Survivor of Verdun and Einstein and the Poet-In Search of the Cosmic Man.

Ken Norton is also the Trustee of the William Hermanns Trust, whose Life and Works are remembered at this website. Check out the poetry and essays.


Norton & Holtz

Business Solutions

Logo of Norton and Holtz Business Solutions with link to website

We offer our personal experiences with our Legal Shield plan and the ability to sign up as a member under us. We are grateful for the commissions we then receive as we are privately funding the production of this show and this website.


LegalShield for Business and Personal legal plans and for Identity Theft Shield with link to website www.kennorton.biz


Logo for Women's Spaces , dedicated to ordinary women doing extraordinary things. www.womensspaces.com 


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KBBF-FM 89.1 logo and link to its website

9/1/12: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming its 1-Hour show on Radio KBBF Mondays live at 11:00 AM and repeats at 11:00 PM..



Poetry of Elaine

I Am Woman

Logo for Women's Spaces , dedicated to ordinary women doing extraordinary things. www.womensspaces.com




KPCA Petaluma Community Radio Logo and url www.kpca.fm

3/13/18: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming a repeat of Monday's live show Wednesdays at 11:00 AM on KPCA.

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Website by Kenneth E. Norton www.nortonholtz.net             Women's Spaces Website © Copyright by Elaine B. Holtz & Kenneth E. Norton