Gloria Allred
has returned to Women's Spaces for our
July 11, 2022 show
on the SCOTUS Reversal of Roe v Wade and Next Steps.
She also contributed as a guest on
March 5, 2018, and on
15, 2020.
Click the dates above for show's webpage.
Woolsey, Congress-woman (Retired) returned on
and on 8/162021 to speak on bold
steps for our Nation to take.
---- , Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen returned
Monday June
29, 2020 as a guest on Women's Spaces to discuss the Millionth
Circle of women coming together.
the show's page by clicking here.
When our representatives are making important
decisions that impact all of our lives I believe it is important to ask
one basic question before making
those decisions, Is this good for
the children? Just imagine what our world would be
like if that question was asked prior to making decisions about going to
war, the environment, education or healthcare.
Click the News tab for updates to the website.
2/1/2022: Sonoma County Gazette February 2022
article on Women's Spaces
Celebrating 10 Years on Radio.
8/31/2021: Podcasts are available on the following venues:
8/30/2021: The top menu bar has changed with the Radio and TV selections
now reduced to one selection for Archives. Clicking it leads one to a
webpage with the choice for either Radio or TV shows, which leads to their
archived show list.
3/5/2018: Women's Spaces Show begins to air a repeat broadcast on Radio KPCA
103.3 FM Petaluma and
at this link stream
on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM.
10/30/2017: Women's Spaces celebrates its 5th Anniversary
returning to RadioKBBF for a weekly live 1-hour
show at 11am, repeating at 11pm.
3/21/2017: The mp3 audio player has been changed so the shows no
longer autoplay on opening the webpages of shows archived in 2017 and
forward, as well as on the home page.
7/13/2015: The 11 AM Monday show on Radio KBBF FM-89.1 now repeats
at 11 PM.
-------- 9/1/2012:
Radio KBBF FM-89.1 for North San Francisco Bay Area begins
broadcasting a regular weekly Women's Spaces Show on Mondays at 11:00 AM
Pacific Time. See
our Radio page (its tab is on the menu bar
above) for the links to archive pages of the live shows that have been broadcast. --------
Not seeing new posts or viewing or hearing the show?
Try refreshing your browser.
From the Archives, Women's Spaces presents:
Show Produced Live on Radio KBBF FM-89.1
We need Bi-lingual Radio in our Wine Country for Local Emergencies such as
in our Wild Fire Disaster. This could be the only link for you and others
living in our broadcast area, especially those living in and by Santa Rosa
and Sonoma County. Women's Spaces is grateful to broadcast the show
from the Santa Rosa studio of KBBF. Click on the icon below and
Please Donate to Listener Supported RadioKBBF - mention Women's Spaces
for one-time and sustaining donations.
1.Gloria Allred , Attorney for Women's Rights;
Founder, Women's Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education Fund
2. Shekeyna Black, Center Coordinator, Peace and
Justice Center, Sonoma County
1. Gloria Allred shares her
journey from teacher to attorney advocating for women's rights for
40 years. Gloria talks of what sustains her in her committment to
social change. Her hope is that this year will be known as the
Year of Empowerment for Women, and she certainly is a mentor as she
confronts rich and powerful men Harvey Weinstein, Judge Roy Moore,
Bill Cosby, O.J. Simpson and even the President of the United States
as she represents courageous but hurt women.
About our Guest: Gloria Allred was born n
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She earned her B.A. with honors in
English from the University of Pennsylvania. She earned her M.A.
from New York University and her J.D. cum laude from Loyola
University School of Law in Los Angeles. She was also awarded an
honorary J.D. from the University of West Los Angeles School of Law.
Ms. Allred is a founding partner of the law firm Allred, Maroko &
Goldberg(AM&G). Her firm handles more women's rights cases than any
other private firm in the nation and has won hundreds of millions of
dollars for victims. Ms. Allred also founded and is currently
president of the Women's Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education
Fund (WERLDEF). in 2017 Netflix announced "Seeing
Allred" an original documentary about Ms. Allred and her battles
for justice which launched globally on Netflix in February 2018
after its world premiere in the U.S. Documentary Competition at the
2018 Sundance Film Festival. In addition to being an attorney, Ms.
Allred holds California life credentials in secondary school
education and supervision. She taught in public schools for 6½ years
and was a lecturer at the University of Southern California for
several years. Ms. Allred is the author of
Fight Back and Win: My Thirty-Year Fight Against Injustice — And
How You Can Win Your Own Battles
services on this case shall be fully donated by her at no
compensation and no legal fees will be charged for her time.
2. Shekeyna Black gives us an
update on the Peace and Justice Center activities in Sonoma County.
Shekeyna supplied us with the list of events around the county for
Women's History Month.
Next Week's Women's Spaces Show on March 12th
features Molly Murphy MacGregor. on the
40th Anniversary of the National Women's History Week,.which
led to the celebration of National Women’s History Month in March,
Tune in at 11 AM (repeats at 11 PM) to Radio KBBF 89.1 FM in the
North Bay or streaming online at that hour at
**Celebrating Women's History Month: Extraordinary Women
are Ordinary
Tuesday, March 6, 5:30-8:00 PM
Petaluma Community Relations Council & Sonoma County Commission on
the Status of Women to Host: “Nevertheless, She Persisted”. In
recognizing achievements of women, the Petaluma Community Relations
Council is partnering with the Sonoma County Commission on the
Status of Women to co-sponsor a public forum celebrating Women’s
History Month. Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women will
hold its public meeting at 5:30 pm, which is open to the public. The
Women’s History forum hosted by both SCCSW and PCRC will begin at
6:30 pm.
Claudia de la Peña, Petaluma Social Justice Advocate, will serve as
moderator. Scheduled Speakers/panelists will include: 1. Lynn
Woolsey, former U.S. Representative for California's 6th
congressional district 2. Dmitra Smith, Vice Chair of Sonoma County
Commission on Human Rights 3. Molly MacGregor, Co-Founder and
Executive Director of the National Women's History Project (NWHP)
The co-sponsored March forum is free and open to the public. Free
childcare provided!
For more info, contact Erica Stuart at (559)676-9905 or
B’nai Israel Jewish Center - 740 Western Avenue, Petaluma
**Women in Sonoma County Politics: First Wave
Thursday, March 8, 3-5:00 PM
A panel discussion in honor of former Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey,
welcoming her congressional papers to Sonoma State University. Join
us for a conversation moderated by columnist, Gaye LeBaron,
featuring Lynn Woolsey, Deb Fudge and Teresa Barrett. This event is
free and open to the public. For a complimentary parking pass for
this event only, email
Sonoma State University Library - 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park
**“Las Adelitas” Talk by SRJC History Instructor Laura
Monday, March 12, 1-3:00 PM
“Adelitas” were women who served as cooks, cleaners, scouts, and
nurses during the Mexican Revolution. If their male relatives died
in battle, these women took their place and started fighting in the
army as Soldaderas. Larqué will share some of the untold stories of
these valiant women and how their contributions to the revolution
have been overlooked by historians because they were poor Indigenous
or Mestiza ethnic background. For more info, visit:
SRJC - Doyle 4245, Santa Rosa
**Together at the Table: Women's Rights
Monday, March 12, 7-8:30 PM
Join us for a community conversation with experts from local
organizations working on women's rights and history in Sonoma
County. Learn how you can get involved, and share your voice on this
important topic.
For more info visit:
Sebastopol Regional Library - 7140 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol
**History of Women at SRJC: By the Numbers
Wednesday, March 14, 12:30-1:30 PM
SRJC Director of Institutional Research, KC Greaney will present the
100-year history of women as students, instructors, administrators,
trustees, and more at SRJC. This session is held in conjunction with
the celebration of SRJC’s 100th Anniversary. Free and open to the
For more info, visit:
Parking permits are required, cost $4 and are available on campus
Santa Rosa Junior College - Frank P. Doyle Library, Room 4245, Santa
** Recognizing 38 Years: The National Women's History
Thursday, March 15, 6:30 PM Reception, 7:00 PM Talk
Molly Murphy MacGregor, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Chair of
the National Women’s History Project (NHWP) Board of Directors will
give a talk about the History of NWHP, its impact on women, and its
future. at the
Sonoma County Museum, located at 425 7th St, Santa Rosa, CA
**Sonoma County N.O.W. (National Organization for Women)
Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, March 21, 1:00 PM
Mission: to bring women into full participation in American society.
Monthly meeting on feminist issues and goals. For more info visit:
or call (707)545-5036 or email
Round Table Pizza - 1791 Marlow Rd., Santa Rosa
**“Las Adelitas” Talk by SRJC History Instructor Laura
Tuesday, March 27, 9-10:30 AM
“Adelitas” were women who served as cooks, cleaners, scouts, and
nurses during the Mexican Revolution. If their male relatives died
in battle, these women took their place and started fighting in the
army as Soldaderas. Larqué will share some of the untold stories of
these valiant women and how their contributions to the revolution
have been overlooked by historians because they were poor Indigenous
or Mestiza ethnic background. For more info, visit:
SRJC Petaluma - 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway, Jacobs Hall PC 116,
**“What if Women Built a Community College - and EVERYbody
Thursday, March 29, 12:00-1:00 PM
As the Santa Rosa Junior College campus and local communities
reflect upon the College’s 100th anniversary, various historical
events and demographic trends serve as a meaningful backdrop.
Acclaimed local historian and journalist Gaye Le Baron will provide
an insightful historical overview of Sonoma County shedding light on
the role and legacy of Santa Rosa Junior College. In partnership
with Arts and Lectures, and SRJC’s 100th Anniversary Committee.
Free and open to the public.
For more info, visit:
Parking permits are required, cost $4 and are available on campus
Santa Rosa Junior College - Lawrence A. Bertolini Student Center,
Santa Rosa
**Film Screening: The Rape of Recy Taylor
Thursday, March 29, 6-9:00 PM
Reception 6pm. 7-8:30pm Screening to benefit Verity. 8:30 Panel
Discussion with District Attorney, Jill Ravitch, Verity Executive
Director, Christine Castillo and Sonoma county National Organization
for Women (NOW) President, Elaine B. Holtz. For more info, visit:
To kick off Women’s History Month joining me on today's show on the
phone from her office in Los Angeles is Women’s Rights attorney,
Gloria Allred and we will be talking about her career and importance
of Women’s Rights and the contribution she has made. In watching the
documentary, “Seeing Allred I just love this quote and in my mind
gives one insight into who she is. The question that was asked was,
“What do you consider to be your most outstanding feature?” Gloria
Allred’s answer, “”I feel it’s my commitment, my commitment to
making social change. I feel that if each one of us made that sort
of commitment to other women; support other women that we would have
social change very quickly,”
Music Selections:
The Opening and Closing Theme song is with
permission of the Composer and Singer
Alix Dobkin:
The Woman in Your Life is You by Alix Dobkin from the album
Living with Lavender Jane (Women's Wax Works) -
Rise Up sung by Andrea Day from the
Single: Rise Up -Mr. Rodgers Remix
(2016 Warner Brothers Records)
We Are Singing for our Lives sung by
Holly Near from the album
And Still We Speak Out Spoken Collection
(Calico Tracks Music)
Visit the
Blog Post of this show to add your Comments
We need Bi-lingual Radio in our Wine Country for Local Emergencies such as
in our Wild Fire Disaster. This could be the only link for you and others
living in our broadcast area, especially those living in and by Santa Rosa
and Sonoma County. Women's Spaces is grateful to broadcast the show
from the Santa Rosa studio of KBBF.
Click on the icon below and Please Donate to Listener Supported Radio KBBF - mention Women's Spaces
for one-time and sustaining donations.
If you would like to hear the Women's Spaces show and other fine shows on
bilingual Radio KBBF on your FM radio in the North San Francisco Bay area then support
the station, become a member and donate to
the station at
Rosey says: "What you think of me is
none of my business!"
Take the Women's Spaces' Pledge!
Of course, substitute your favorite name for Higher Power.
Click the images for streaming the most current show when broadcast.
9/1/12: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming its 1-Hour
show on Radio KBBF 89.1 FM, Mondays live at 11:00 AM and repeats at 11:00 PM.
The Women's Spaces Show is airing and streaming Wednesdays at 10:00 AM on
Radio KPCA 103.3 FM. It is a repeat of Monday's live show.
here for website.
Please support our sponsors
Click on image to be directed to their website
Ken Norton presents 5-minute episodes On the Scent of Light over
Radio KOWS 92.5 FM and archived online.
Ken Norton is also the Trustee of the William Hermanns Trust, whose Life and
Works are remembered at this website. Check out the poetry and essays.
Norton & Holtz
Business Solutions
We offer our personal experiences with our Legal Shield plan and the
ability to sign up as a member under us. We are grateful for the
commissions we then receive as we are privately funding the production of
this show and this website.