Gloria Allred
has returned to Women's Spaces for our
July 11, 2022 show
on the SCOTUS Reversal of Roe v Wade and Next Steps.
She also contributed as a guest on
March 5, 2018, and on
15, 2020.
Click the dates above for show's webpage.
Woolsey, Congress-woman (Retired) returned on
and on 8/162021 to speak on bold
steps for our Nation to take.
---- , Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen returned
Monday June
29, 2020 as a guest on Women's Spaces to discuss the Millionth
Circle of women coming together.
the show's page by clicking here.
When our representatives are making important
decisions that impact all of our lives I believe it is important to ask
one basic question before making
those decisions, Is this good for
the children? Just imagine what our world would be
like if that question was asked prior to making decisions about going to
war, the environment, education or healthcare.
Click the News tab for updates to the website.
2/1/2022: Sonoma County Gazette February 2022
article on Women's Spaces
Celebrating 10 Years on Radio.
8/31/2021: Podcasts are available on the following venues:
8/30/2021: The top menu bar has changed with the Radio and TV selections
now reduced to one selection for Archives. Clicking it leads one to a
webpage with the choice for either Radio or TV shows, which leads to their
archived show list.
3/5/2018: Women's Spaces Show begins to air a repeat broadcast on Radio KPCA
103.3 FM Petaluma and
at this link stream
on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM.
10/30/2017: Women's Spaces celebrates its 5th Anniversary
returning to RadioKBBF for a weekly live 1-hour
show at 11am, repeating at 11pm.
3/21/2017: The mp3 audio player has been changed so the shows no
longer autoplay on opening the webpages of shows archived in 2017 and
forward, as well as on the home page.
7/13/2015: The 11 AM Monday show on Radio KBBF FM-89.1 now repeats
at 11 PM.
-------- 9/1/2012:
Radio KBBF FM-89.1 for North San Francisco Bay Area begins
broadcasting a regular weekly Women's Spaces Show on Mondays at 11:00 AM
Pacific Time. See
our Radio page (its tab is on the menu bar
above) for the links to archive pages of the live shows that have been broadcast. --------
1. Dr. Harriet Fraad,
Author, Mental Health Counselor and Hypnotherapist, Feminist
the Button to access Page Sections below:
by our host Elaine B. Holtz: On July 15th our
local PBS station KRCB aired the film 3
Seconds in October about the
killing of 13-year old Andy Lopez by County Sheriff
Deputy Eric Gelhaus. The film reveals some of the SRPD
investigation into the incident. Andy was carrying a
plastic rifle, noticeably lighter to carry than a real
rifle, and yet Deputy Gelhaus was quick to fire off 8
bullets. Missing in the film was the important role that
the high school peers of Andy that protested and known
as Andy's Youth, as well as the adults in the community
that met as the Community and Local Law Enforcement Task
Force in meeting after meeting to finally recommend that
the Board of Supervisors of Sonoma County to implement
the Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and
Outreach as oversight of the Sheriff's Office, which the
Board did.
1. Our
guest,Dr. Harriet Fraad,
discusses the Case of Brittany Spears,
the pop star, who is appealing the Conservatorship
control over every aspect of her life, from its demand
she wear an IUD to prevent her the choice of having
babies, to having to live on an allowance that was a
small percentage of her income. The case according to
Dr. Fraad concerns women's rights, and when Brittany
reached out to her fanbase on TikTok to finally reveal
the oppression she lived under, the fans rallied, since
so many could relate to her suffering. Two white judges
in previous attempts to appeal the conservatorship ruled
she had no right of appeal, but finally a female judge
ruled she had a right to choose her own lawyer in her
appeal attempt, a lawyer not beholden to the
About our Guest:Dr. Harriet Fraad is a Mental
Health Counselor and Hypnotherapist in private practice
in New York City. She has been in practice for 46 years.
She writes and speaks on the intersection of politics,
economics, and personal life in the USA. Her work can be
found on her website, Her podcast,
Capitalism Hits Home, now with Julianna Forlano can be
found at her website,, and at as well as on YouTube. Her newest
podcast with Max Golding is directed to the
psycho-therapy community. It is called “it’s Not Just in
Your Head.”
Harriet Fraad appears as a regular guest on Economic
Update’s 100 radio stations as well as on The David
Feldman Show at 8:00 PM, EST Mondays on WBAI and on the
internet. She appears regularly on Women’s Spaces on
KBBF, Sonoma County and North San Francisco Bay, Her
latest written work appears in Knowledge, Class and
Economics. NY: Routledge 2019. Dr. Fraad was a founding
mother of the Women’s Liberation Movement in New Haven
CT and has been an activist for her entire life.
July 19-20, 1848, Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and Lucretia Mott spearheaded the first women’s
rights convention in American History. Over 300 women
and men came to Seneca Falls, New York to protest the
mistreatment of women in social, economic, political,
and religious life. This marked the first public meeting
calling for women’s right to vote.
Herstory Birthdays:
July 18, 1908 (1981) – Mildred
Ryder, adopted the name “Peace Pilgrim” in 1953, a peace
activist who was the first woman to walk the Appalachian
Trail in one season, walked more than 25,000 miles
promoting peace for 28 years.
July 22, 1849 (1887) –
Emma Lazarus, poet, wrote “The New Colossus,” (1883),
which was later inscribed on the Statue of Liberty:
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free.
[Click image above for audio
reading by Poetry Therapy Inc. on YouTube]
Not like the brazen giant of Greek
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
The Opening and Closing Theme song
The Woman in Your Life is You is done with
permission of the Composer and Singer
Alix Dobkin
((August 16, 1940 – May 19, 2021) Alix Dobkin death was just
announced - Thank you for all you did for Lesbians to be recognized
and Women to be honored. May you rest in peace. See our Interview
with Alix Dobkin on
12/1/2014 at
and our Memorial to Alix Dobkin on 11/24/2021
The Woman in Your Life is You by Alix Dobkin from the album
Living with Lavender Jane (2010 Women's Wax Works) -
Give Me Your Tired and Your Poor sung by West
Los Angeles Childrens Choir from the single
Give Me Your Tired and Your Poor (1999, Mrs.
Light a Candle, cover of song by Neil Young,
sung by The Frozen Heart from the single Light a
Candle (2017,
Musekater, Independent-Rock- Label Stuttgart
Visit the
Post of this show to add your Comments
Rosey says: "What you think of me is
none of my business!"
Take the Women's Spaces' Pledge!
Of course, substitute your favorite name for Higher Power.
Click the images for streaming the most current show when broadcast.
9/1/12: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming its 1-Hour
show on Radio KBBF 89.1 FM, Mondays live at 11:00 AM and repeats at 11:00 PM.
The Women's Spaces Show is airing and streaming Wednesdays at 10:00 AM on
Radio KPCA 103.3 FM. It is a repeat of Monday's live show.
here for website.
Please support our sponsors
Click on image to be directed to their website
Ken Norton presents 5-minute episodes On the Scent of Light over
Radio KOWS 92.5 FM and archived online.
Ken Norton is also the Trustee of the William Hermanns Trust, whose Life and
Works are remembered at this website. Check out the poetry and essays.
Norton & Holtz
Business Solutions
We offer our personal experiences with our Legal Shield plan and the
ability to sign up as a member under us. We are grateful for the
commissions we then receive as we are privately funding the production of
this show and this website.