Gloria Allred
has returned to Women's Spaces for our
July 11, 2022 show
on the SCOTUS Reversal of Roe v Wade and Next Steps.
She also contributed as a guest on
March 5, 2018, and on
15, 2020.
Click the dates above for show's webpage.
Woolsey, Congress-woman (Retired) returned on
and on 8/162021 to speak on bold
steps for our Nation to take.
---- , Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen returned
Monday June
29, 2020 as a guest on Women's Spaces to discuss the Millionth
Circle of women coming together.
the show's page by clicking here.
When our representatives are making important
decisions that impact all of our lives I believe it is important to ask
one basic question before making
those decisions, Is this good for
the children? Just imagine what our world would be
like if that question was asked prior to making decisions about going to
war, the environment, education or healthcare.
Click the News tab for updates to the website.
2/1/2022: Sonoma County Gazette February 2022
article on Women's Spaces
Celebrating 10 Years on Radio.
8/31/2021: Podcasts are available on the following venues:
8/30/2021: The top menu bar has changed with the Radio and TV selections
now reduced to one selection for Archives. Clicking it leads one to a
webpage with the choice for either Radio or TV shows, which leads to their
archived show list.
3/5/2018: Women's Spaces Show begins to air a repeat broadcast on Radio KPCA
103.3 FM Petaluma and
at this link stream
on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM.
10/30/2017: Women's Spaces celebrates its 5th Anniversary
returning to RadioKBBF for a weekly live 1-hour
show at 11am, repeating at 11pm.
3/21/2017: The mp3 audio player has been changed so the shows no
longer autoplay on opening the webpages of shows archived in 2017 and
forward, as well as on the home page.
7/13/2015: The 11 AM Monday show on Radio KBBF FM-89.1 now repeats
at 11 PM.
-------- 9/1/2012:
Radio KBBF FM-89.1 for North San Francisco Bay Area begins
broadcasting a regular weekly Women's Spaces Show on Mondays at 11:00 AM
Pacific Time. See
our Radio page (its tab is on the menu bar
above) for the links to archive pages of the live shows that have been broadcast. --------
Commission on the Status of Women of Sonoma County
January 29, 2024
Original Radio Show ID:
Listen to the Show on the Mp3 Player
Duration 57 minutes
The Guest interview begins at
26 minutes.
Like us our fb page at
and/or Subscribe for Podcasts of the
Women's Spaces Radio Show
The shows since December 2019
are available by podcast. Subscribe by
clicking the name of your preferred service below and, once
on the page, click the Subscribe button:
Guest: Jan Blalock, Outgoing
Chair of the Commission on the
Status of Women (CSW)
the Button to access Page Sections below:
1. Commentary by Elaine B. Holtz:
I have a special guest this
morning, joining me in the
studio is Jan Blalock. Jan
represented the 1st District on
the Sonoma County Commission on
the Status of Women since
October 2015 and after service
as the Chair for the Commission
for four terms is retiring. I
wanted to honor her service and
take this time to know more
about the commission, its
mission and importance to our
community. I am looking forward
to our conversations.
Today, if you can believe it, is
the last Monday of the Month and
Women's Spaces Pledge Time,
which we will recite with our
To begin with I have several
important announcements to make.
Next month is Black History
Month and there is a lot going
on. I love February as there are
a lot of major events happening
to help us understand the
amazing contributions Black
Women in our community have
made. The Sonoma County Library
has truly stepped up to the
plate and are offering several
programs. For more information
The song I will be playing for
our first musical break will be
Finlandia (This is My Song)
sung by Joan Baez. It was
written by Finnish composer,
Jean Sibelius. However, it was
Joan Baez’s interpretation that
truly brought this remarkable
composition to life. These
lyrics beautifully convey a
message of unity, peace, and
hope. The song speaks of the
desire for harmony among
nations, acknowledging that
while each country has its
unique beauty, all people share
the same dreams and aspirations.
2. Our
guest: Jan Blalock,
Chair of the Commission on the Status of
Women (CSW) in Sonoma County,
shares her journey from
questioning gender norms as a
young athlete to becoming a
dedicated advocate for
women's issues. Blalock's
interest in feminism was sparked
by a high school teacher who
introduced her to the works of
Gloria Steinem. Having survived
sexual assaults herself, she
became an early supporter of
One Billion Rising in 2014.
Appointed to CSW in 2015 by
Supervisor Susan Gorin, Blalock
infused activist energy into the
commission, promoting events
like One Billion Rising.
Established in the 1960s
in the nation and in 1975 in
Sonoma County by the Board of
Supervisors, CSW focuses on
reproductive health, LGBTQ
rights, and has a Junior CSW for
high school students. The Voices
of Sonoma County Women project
addresses issues like housing
affordability and elderly
Notable is that Molly Murphy
MacGregor, as an early
Commissioner of our county’s
CSW, started the first movement
to have a National Women's
History week, which then grew to
a national movement and the
eventual recognition in 1987 by
U.S. Congress for March every
year as National Women's History
To join CSW, Blalock suggests
attending meetings every 2nd
Thursday at 6 PM and contacting
the supervisor of your district
for an interview through the
BOS website.
About our guest Jan
Blaock: Jan Blalock has
been a CSW Commissioner
representing the 1st District
since October 2015 and will
serve until February 5, 2024. In her four
terms as Chair, Jan has made it
her mission to create a more
engaged, activist, collaborative
Commission, representing our
diverse community of women,
girls and families while
developing deeper partnerships
with local nonprofit
Outside of Jan’s role as
Commissioner, she is a business
leader and teacher in Health,
Fitness and Wellness, managing a
local Health Club as well as
being an Advisory Board Member
for the Santa Rosa Junior
College. She has been Executive
Board Secretary for Redemption
House of the Bay Area and a
Crisis Line Counselor for
Verity. She is currently a Board
member for Verity, a
volunteer coordinator for Our
Kids Our Future, and a member of
the Human Trafficking Taskforce.
Guest Links:
Sonoma County Commission
on the Status of Women (CSW):
Click link here.
Our history is our strength. Check out important dates to remember in herstory at the
National Women's History Alliance, where the date descriptions
were sourced unless otherwise indicated.
Special thank you to the
National Women’s History
Alliance for making women’s
history alive. Shout out to
Co-Founder and Retiring
Executive Director, Molly
McGregor who will be on the show
when we celebrate Women’s
History Month in March for
making the fabulous list of
Women in History where I get
most of the info I present in
this Herstory segment.
Herstory Events:
Two African-American women are
being honored with Quarters in
the American Women Series:
2. Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray
quarter is being released in
2024 and is available at 2024 Reverend Dr.
Pauli Murray Quarter is the 11th
coin in the American Women
Quarters™ Program. Rev. Dr.
Pauli Murray was a poet, writer,
activist, lawyer, and Episcopal
priest. She is regarded as one
of the most important social
justice advocates of the
twentieth century. She fought
tirelessly for civil rights,
women’s rights, and gender
Herstory Birthdays:
January 29, 1926 – Violette
Neatly Anderson is the first
Black woman to practice law
before the U.S. Supreme Court.
January 29, 1941 – Robin Morgan,
poet, political theorist,
activist, co-founder of the
Women’s Media Center, author of
over twenty books, edited
trailblazing anthology
Sisterhood is Powerful in
the 1970s.
"Sisterhood Is Powerful: An
Anthology of Writings from
the Women's Liberation
Movement" is a 1970
anthology of feminist
writings edited by Robin
Morgan, a feminist poet and
founding member of New York
Radical Women.[1] It is one
of the first widely
available anthologies of
second-wave feminism. It is
both a consciousness-raising
analysis and a
Sisterhood Is Global: The
International Women's
Movement Anthology (1984) is
the follow-up to Sisterhood
Is Powerful.[3] After
Sisterhood Is Global came
its follow-up, Sisterhood Is
Forever: The Women's
Anthology for a New
Millennium (2003).
Kathie Sarachild coined the
phrase "sisterhood is
powerful" in 1968, in a
flier she wrote for the
keynote speech she gave for
New York Radical Women's
first public action at the
convocation of the Jeannette
Rankin Brigade.
January 30, 1890 – Angie Debo,
spent lifetime examining
historical implications of
settlements of Native Americans
Indians, wrote And Still the
Waters Run in 1940 describing
the “criminal conspiracy” that
defrauded Oklahoma’s Five
Civilized Tribes of their lands.
“And Still the Waters Run”
tells the tragic story of
the liquidation of the
independent Indian republics
of the Choctaws, Chickasaws,
Cherokees, Creeks, and
Seminoles, known as the Five
Civilized Tribes. At the
turn of the twentieth
century, the tribes owned
the eastern half of what is
now Oklahoma, a territory
immensely wealthy in
farmland, forests, coal, and
oil. Their political and
economic status was
guaranteed by the federal
government—until American
settlers arrived. Congress
abrogated treaties that it
had promised would last “as
long as the waters run,” and
within a generation, the
tribes were systematically
stripped of their holdings,
and were rescued from
starvation only through
public charity. Called a
“work of art” by writer
Oliver La Farge, And Still
the Waters Run was so
controversial when it was
first published that Angie
Debo was banned from
teaching in Oklahoma for
many years. Now with an
incisive foreword by Amanda
Cobb-Greetham, here is the
acclaimed book that first
documented the scandalous
founding of Oklahoma on
native land.
January 31, 2024 Peace
and Justice Center
issues new weekly list of events
and links to community
non-profit organizations:
February 3, 2024, 10:00 AM -
2:00 PM, Lunar New Year
Celebration at Children's Museum
of Sonoma County. The
Museum of Sonoma County and the
Redwood Empire Chinese
Association are proud to present
a celebration of Lunar New Year.
Featuring amazing performances
by the RECA including lion
dances, traditional Chinese
music, a traditional tea
ceremony, and a Xinjiang
February 5, 2024 11 AM PT #
repeats 11 PM PT,
the show will feature guest
from the SoCo League of Women
Voters on their upcoming Civics
Class Series and guest Deva Marie
Proto, Sonoma County Registrar
of Voters. Radio KBBF 89.1 FM,
North SF Bay or live streaming
February 6 2024, 6 PM, League of
Women Voters Civics Class:
Democracy: It's Up to Us!
Three FREE, virtual (Zoom)
presentations in February and
March at 6pm on Tuesdays.
Registration is required; sign
up for each class separately,
click RSVP link below for class
date. Guaranteed to be
interesting, fun and inspiring!
February 7, 2024, 11 AM PT, repeat
of Monday's show that
will feature guest #1 from the SoCo
League of Women Voters on their
upcoming Civics Class Series and
guest #2 Deva Marie Proto, Sonoma County
Registrar of Voters. Radio KPCA
103.3 FM, Petaluma, CA.
February 15,10:00 - 11:00 AM, Catch A Beat, Led by
Tina Rogers, Sonoma
County Library Roseland Branch,
Sunday, February 18, 2024, 2:00
- 3:30 PM, Rohnert Park/Cotati
Regional Library,
Telling Our Stories Through
Ethnic Studies Panel
Discussion, sponsored by Sonoma
County Office of Education and
NAACP of Sonoma County. Part of
the Celebrate Black History
Month series of Sonoma County
Libraries - For more information
on this series see :
Zoom Recording ofMarianne Williamson in
of Monday,
November 20, 2023, sponsored by
the National Organization for
Women - Sonoma County Chapter
and Womens's Spaces, with Elaine
B. Holtz as interviewer.
Includes audience questions to
The Opening and Closing Theme song
The Woman in Your Life is You is done with
permission of the Composer and Singer
Alix Dobkin
((August 16, 1940 – May 19, 2021) Alix Dobkin death was
just announced - Thank you for all you did for Lesbians to be
recognized and Women to be honored. May you rest in peace. See our
Interview with Alix Dobkin
on 12/1/2014 and our Memorial to Alix Dobkin
The Woman in Your Life is You by Alix Dobkin from the album
Living with Lavender Jane (2010 Women's Wax Works) -
Finlandia, This Is My Song,
sung by Joan Baez, from
the album MITA Vapaus On (Released May 2011
Full Stream Records)
We Are the Women, sung
by Betsy Rose and the Women’s
Chorous from
the album Welcome to the
(Released July 2007 @ 2006 Paper
Crane Music)
For music purchasing opportunity, supporting the artists:
Visit our
facebook page to add your Comments to the show's posting there. We are
discontinuiing the WordPress Blog for Women's Spaces. For direct
messages, use our contact email info(at)
Rosey says: "What you think of me is
none of my business!"
Take the Women's Spaces' Pledge!
Of course, substitute your favorite name for Higher Power.
Click the images for streaming the most current show when broadcast.
9/1/12: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming its 1-Hour
show on Radio KBBF 89.1 FM, Mondays live at 11:00 AM and repeats at 11:00 PM.
The Women's Spaces Show is airing and streaming Wednesdays at 10:00 AM on
Radio KPCA 103.3 FM. It is a repeat of Monday's live show.
here for website.
Please support our sponsors
Click on image to be directed to their website
Ken Norton presents 5-minute episodes On the Scent of Light over
Radio KOWS 92.5 FM and archived online.
Ken Norton is also the Trustee of the William Hermanns Trust, whose Life and
Works are remembered at this website. Check out the poetry and essays.
Norton & Holtz
Business Solutions
We offer our personal experiences with our Legal Shield plan and the
ability to sign up as a member under us. We are grateful for the
commissions we then receive as we are privately funding the production of
this show and this website.