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Sonoma County Gazette February 2022 article on Women's Spaces Celebrating 10 Years on Radio. Download pdf:
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Dr. Kim D. Hester Williams Dr. Kim D. Hester Williams returned on February 12, 2024 discussing the History of Black Women in Literature and in Music. and previously on May 11, 2020, June 8, 2020, and  July 6, 2020 with a 3-part series of Feminism and Black Lives Matter. Click here for the show's page.
Marianne Williamson - Official Campaign Marianne Williamson resident 2024 Photo
Marianne Williamson has returned to Women's Spaces for our show in 9/18/2023 Conversation. Previously she was on our 1/14/2013 and 2/25/2013 shows on
Law of Divine Compensation.

 Gloria AllredAttorney Gloria Allred has returned to Women's Spaces for our July 11, 2022 show on the SCOTUS Reversal of Roe v Wade and Next Steps. She also contributed as a guest on March 5, 2018, and on June 15, 2020.
Click the dates above for show's webpage.  

Lynn Woolsey, Former Congresswoman, Marin/SonomaLynn Woolsey, Congress-woman (Retired) returned on 10/16/2023 and on  8/162021 to speak on bold steps for our Nation to take.

Dr. Jean Shinoda Boilen, Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen
 returned on Monday June 29, 2020 as a guest on Women's Spaces to discuss the  Millionth Circle of women coming together.  Visit the show's page by clicking here.



Before Deciding

When our representatives are making important decisions that impact all of our lives I believe it is important to ask one basic question before making
those decisions,
Is this good for
the children?

Just imagine what our world would be like if that question was asked prior to making decisions about going to war, the environment, education or healthcare.


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2/1/2022: Sonoma County Gazette February 2022 article on Women's Spaces Celebrating 10 Years on Radio.
8/31/2021: Podcasts are available on the following venues:

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8/30/2021: The top menu bar has changed with the Radio and TV selections now reduced to one selection for Archives. Clicking it leads one to a webpage with the choice for either Radio or TV shows, which leads to their archived show list.

3/5/2018: Women's Spaces Show begins to air a repeat broadcast on Radio KPCA
103.3 FM Petaluma and at this link stream
on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM. 

10/30/2017:  Women's Spaces celebrates its 5th Anniversary returning to Radio KBBF for a weekly live 1-hour show at 11am, repeating at 11pm.

3/21/2017:  The mp3 audio player has been changed so the shows no longer autoplay on opening the webpages of shows archived in 2017 and forward, as well as on the home page.

7/13/2015:  The 11 AM Monday show on Radio KBBF FM-89.1 now repeats at 11 PM.
9/1/2012:  Radio KBBF FM-89.1 for North San Francisco Bay Area begins broadcasting a regular weekly Women's Spaces Show on Mondays at 11:00 AM Pacific Time. See our Radio page (its tab is on the menu bar above) for the links to archive pages of the live shows that have been broadcast. 


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Remembering Alice Paul and the Women's Suffrage Movement, Silent Sentinels Meet on October 5th National Action to Get Out the Vote

September 16, 2024

Original Radio Show  ID:

Listen to the Show on the Mp3 Player below

Duration 57 minutes


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Click the Name to access the Segment below

1. Commentary by Elaine B. Holtz,  Host of Women's Spaces 

2. Guest Diana Carpenter Madoshi,  Co-Chair, Silent Sentinels October 5th 2024 Get Out the Vote


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Herstory       Announcements  

   Music List


1Commentary by Elaine B. Holtz:   Joining me on the phone will be Diana Carpenter Madoshi, For over 20 years Diana Carpenter Madoshi has been focused on Women’s Issues and is currently organizing the Silent Sentinels happening on Oct 5 along with her amazing contribution to women. This is our second interview about this event, and I thought it was important to talk about it once again and encourage women to get involved. We will also be discussing the recent debate between candidates for President, former President Donald Trump and Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.

Diana and I talked on the phone and believe this vote more than any other election is not only a vote for those who we want to represent ourselves, but a vote for our democracy which feels like it is on the line.

Debate: It was amazing watching the debate. What I experienced was a young woman Kamala Harris that was prepared, articulate and ready to answer any questions that were submitted to her. I have to be honest in watching former president trump give his opinions and they were opinions because I don't believe he answered any questions I felt a sense of embarrassment for both him and our country. I would encourage my listeners if you have not listened to the debate to go on YouTube and listen to it, it is an eye opener.

What was refreshing to me was that I could understand exactly where Kamala Harris was coming from and what are some of the things that she wants to work on and perhaps change. In listening to former president trump I got a lot of anger, opinions and even lies and could not understand what his platform was. Project 2025 of the Heritage Foundation, which he denies he was a part of, was developed by many former members of his previous administration. I recommend folks look up Project 2025 and read it very carefully. It is scary.

Our vote counts. It is important that we all vote for it is the ability to cast our ballot for who we want to represent us is what democracy is all about. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there, but I must quote what Taylor Smith wrote when she informed her fans whom she was voting for. I am only going to cover what I believe are very important parts.  

2. Our Guest, Diana Carpenter Madoshi, reflects on her continued commitment to activism, particularly within the women’s movement and democratic rights. Diana is inspired by historical figures like Fannie Lou Hamer, who played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement, especially in advocating for voting rights. The speaker emphasizes that current struggles for women’s rights, including reproductive freedom, echo past fights for equality. Despite advances, they argue that many people have become complacent, taking hard-earned rights for granted. The conversation points to voter suppression and declining participation as evidence of this complacency.

There’s a particular focus on the importance of voting, especially for women, who have historically fought for this right. The speaker highlights that over 100 million eligible voters in the U.S. do not vote, but women have become a majority of voters, honoring the sacrifices made by those who came before them. The dialogue also mentions modern-day influencers, like Taylor Swift, encouraging young people to register to vote and to engage in the political process through research and active participation.

The Silent Sentinel movement is referenced, with the speaker discussing Alice Paul’s leadership and the suffragists' determination to secure voting rights. The conversation concludes by underscoring the need for continued vigilance and action in the face of current threats to women's rights and democracy. Engaging in the voting process is presented as a crucial way to safeguard these rights, with the hope that historical knowledge can empower future activism.

Diana is co-Chair of the Silent Sentinels’ October 5th National action at many localities, when people will stand silently with just a sign that says “Vote,” hearkening back to Alice Paul and other women seeking Women’s Suffrage in 1917 to 1919 at great sacrifice. Some were even waterboarded and force fed after they were arrested and went on hunger strikes to draw attention to their cause. That movement was successful because of only one senator’s vote,  which was enough to secure passage of the 19th Amendment. Diana encourages us all to cherish the right to vote, use it, and join the national action of the Silent Sentinels on October 5th. Democracy is not a spectator sport.

About our Guest: Diana Carpenter Madoshi earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Sacramento State University and retired after more than 30 years in the field. For over 20 years, she has volunteered as an event coordinator for nonprofits focusing on women's issues.

Passionate about women's suffrage history, she is inspired by undervalued community leaders and her mentor, women's rights activist Carol Norberg. Together, they co-chaired Women’s Equality Day parades to honor the sacrifices made for women's voting rights.

Known as a "go-to person," Diana co-founded and co-chaired the 2011 California Women Suffrage Centennial Committee, promoting events statewide. She organizes Women's History Month programs to educate the community about women's history and achievements. An advocate and activist, Diana serves on nonprofit boards like the League of Women Voters in her county. A loving mother and grandmother, she encourages her family to "plant seeds" for future generations.

Guest Links:

Email of Silent Sentinels: silentsentinels.oct5@gmail.com

Guest Event:

October 5, 2024, Silent Sentinels Encouraging Voting. Washington, DC and other localities.  To involve your community, email silentsentinels.oct5@gmail.com

Silent Sentinels Vote event on Oct. 5, 024

Click here to download pdf of Silent Sentinel Vote event flyer

Video of Silent Sentinels:

The above Video of Silent Sentinels is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYGYudVTg34



Our History Is Our Strength

Check out important dates to remember in Herstory at the National Women's History Alliance, where the date descriptions were sourced unless otherwise indicated.

National Women's History Alliance

Special thank you to the National Women’s History Alliance for making women’s history alive. Shout out to Co-Founder and Retiring Executive Director, Molly McGregor who will be on the show when we celebrate Women’s History Month in March for making the fabulous list of Women in History where I get most of the info I present in this Herstory segment.

Herstory Events:

September 20, 1973 – Billie Jean King defeats Bobby “No-Broad-Can-Beat-Me” Riggs in the battle of the sex’s tennis match.

Herstory Birthdays:

September 16, 1913 (1995) – Florence Greenberg, founded Sceptor Records, produced successful rock and roll and soul records in 1950s to early 1970s, her Wand Records label promoted Dianne Warwick in the mid-1960s.

September 20, 1899 (1979) – Anna Strauss, League of Women Voters national president from 1944 to 1950.



Peace and Justice Center logoWednesday, September 18, 2024 Peace and Justice Center issues new weekly list of events and links to community non-profit organizations. It includes ongoing peace protests: PJC website www.pjcsoco.org


Monday, September 23, 2024 11 AM PT # repeats 11 PM PT, the show will feature to be announced.  Radio KBBF 89.1 FM, North SF Bay or live streaming at https://kbbf.org/live


League of Women VotersMonday, September 23, 2024, 11:30 AM until 1:00 PM, League of Women Voters Zoom Meeting on the 2024 Ballot Propositions: LWV Pros and Cons, Link to event:
Meeting ID: 848 4321 9474, Passcode: none
Event Contact(s): Lynn Dooley and Leona Judson, This presentation is a non-partisan and unbiased look at the Pros & Cons of the ten state ballot propositions, one regional and three Sonoma county-wide measures that will appear on the November 5th ballot. Your fellow League members have created this presentation to help you be a more informed voter. Join us!!  Click Here for LWV page.   Click Here of LWV Sonoma County YouTube Channel for past zoom meetings.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 11 AM PT, repeat of Monday's show will feature to be announced.   Radio KPCA 103.3 FM, Petaluma, CA. https://petalumacommunityaccess.org/kpca 


October 5, 2024, Silent Sentinels Encouraging Voting. Washington, DC and other localities. To involve your community, email silentsentinels.oct5@gmail.com  


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Music Selections

The Opening and Closing Theme song The Woman in Your Life is You is done with permission of the Composer and Singer Alix Dobkin ((August 16, 1940 – May 19, 2021) Alix Dobkin death was just announced - Thank you for all you did for Lesbians to be recognized and Women to be honored. May you rest in peace. See our Interview with Alix Dobkin on 12/1/2014 and our Memorial to Alix Dobkin on 5/24/2021

The Woman in Your Life is You by Alix Dobkin from the album Living with Lavender Jane (2010 Women's Wax Works) - www.alixdobkin.com

Hold On – Keep Your Eye on the Prize, sung by Barbara Daneu
and Lightening Hopkins from the album Sometimes I Believe She Loves Me (Released 1966 @ 1996 Arhoolie Production).

Hey Mr. Politician, sung by Ellen Bukstell from the album Daddy’s Little Girl (2008 Ellen Bukstell).


For music purchasing opportunity, supporting the artists: 

Link:  Spinitron.com Playlist for Women's Spaces Show  



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"What you think of me is none of my business!"


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9/1/12: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming its 1-Hour show on Radio KBBF 89.1 FM, Mondays live at 11:00 AM and repeats at 11:00 PM. kbbf.org


KPCA Petaluma Community Radio Logo

3/5/2018: The Women's Spaces Show  is airing and streaming Wednesdays at 11:00 AM on Radio KPCA 103.3 FM. It is a repeat of Monday's live show. Click here for website.



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Ken Norton presents 5-minute episodes On the Scent of Light over Radio KOWS 92.5 FM and archived online.


The William Hermanns Trust featuring the Life and Works of William Hermanns 1895-1990 including the two books shown: The Holcaust-from a Survivor of Verdun and Einstein and the Poet-In Search of the Cosmic Man.

Ken Norton is also the Trustee of the William Hermanns Trust, whose Life and Works are remembered at this website. Check out the poetry and essays.


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We offer our personal experiences with our Legal Shield plan and the ability to sign up as a member under us. We are grateful for the commissions we then receive as we are privately funding the production of this show and this website.


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9/1/12: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming its 1-Hour show on Radio KBBF Mondays live at 11:00 AM and repeats at 11:00 PM..



Poetry of Elaine

I Am Woman

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3/13/18: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming a repeat of Monday's live show Wednesdays at 11:00 AM on KPCA.

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