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Sonoma County Gazette February 2022 article on Women's Spaces Celebrating 10 Years on Radio. Download pdf:
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Dr. Kim D. Hester Williams Dr. Kim D. Hester Williams returned on February 12, 2024 discussing the History of Black Women in Literature and in Music. and previously on May 11, 2020, June 8, 2020, and  July 6, 2020 with a 3-part series of Feminism and Black Lives Matter. Click here for the show's page.
Marianne Williamson - Official Campaign Marianne Williamson resident 2024 Photo
Marianne Williamson has returned to Women's Spaces for our show in 9/18/2023 Conversation. Previously she was on our 1/14/2013 and 2/25/2013 shows on
Law of Divine Compensation.

 Gloria AllredAttorney Gloria Allred has returned to Women's Spaces for our July 11, 2022 show on the SCOTUS Reversal of Roe v Wade and Next Steps. She also contributed as a guest on March 5, 2018, and on June 15, 2020.
Click the dates above for show's webpage.  

Lynn Woolsey, Former Congresswoman, Marin/SonomaLynn Woolsey, Congress-woman (Retired) returned on 10/16/2023 and on  8/162021 to speak on bold steps for our Nation to take.

Dr. Jean Shinoda Boilen, Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen
 returned on Monday June 29, 2020 as a guest on Women's Spaces to discuss the  Millionth Circle of women coming together.  Visit the show's page by clicking here.



Before Deciding

When our representatives are making important decisions that impact all of our lives I believe it is important to ask one basic question before making
those decisions,
Is this good for
the children?

Just imagine what our world would be like if that question was asked prior to making decisions about going to war, the environment, education or healthcare.


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2/1/2022: Sonoma County Gazette February 2022 article on Women's Spaces Celebrating 10 Years on Radio.
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8/30/2021: The top menu bar has changed with the Radio and TV selections now reduced to one selection for Archives. Clicking it leads one to a webpage with the choice for either Radio or TV shows, which leads to their archived show list.

3/5/2018: Women's Spaces Show begins to air a repeat broadcast on Radio KPCA
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on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM. 

10/30/2017:  Women's Spaces celebrates its 5th Anniversary returning to Radio KBBF for a weekly live 1-hour show at 11am, repeating at 11pm.

3/21/2017:  The mp3 audio player has been changed so the shows no longer autoplay on opening the webpages of shows archived in 2017 and forward, as well as on the home page.

7/13/2015:  The 11 AM Monday show on Radio KBBF FM-89.1 now repeats at 11 PM.
9/1/2012:  Radio KBBF FM-89.1 for North San Francisco Bay Area begins broadcasting a regular weekly Women's Spaces Show on Mondays at 11:00 AM Pacific Time. See our Radio page (its tab is on the menu bar above) for the links to archive pages of the live shows that have been broadcast. 


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 Senior SSU Professor on SSU's Response to the Students for Justice in Palestine Protest and Their Agreement with Former President Lee 

June 10, 2024

Original Radio Show  ID:

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Duration 57 minutes


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1. Commentary by Elaine B. Holtz,  Host of Women's Spaces 

2. Guest Prof. Lauren Morimoto, Ph.D., SSU Professor of Kinesiolobgy


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Herstory       Announcements  

   Music List


1Commentary by Elaine B. Holtz: I have a special guest this morning. Joining me in the studio is Dr. Lauren Morimoto, Ph.D. Dr. Morimoto is a professor at Sonoma State University in the Kinesiology Dept. She is here today to provide us with an update regarding the Sonoma State University Solidarity Encampment for Gaza.

Happy Birthday to my dear friend June Brashares, she turned sixty.

On Saturday June 15 the Juneteenth 54th the Annual MLK/Juneteenth Festival will be happening at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park in Santa Rosa on Henley St. in Santa Rosa. This is a fun family festival with lots of activities which include Special Entertainment by: San Francisco Band – Pride and Joy, Zumba, Drumming, and spoken word. Special Proclamations from the City of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County Board of Supervisors plus lots of good food, African Fashions. There will also be an exciting 50/50 raffle with ongoing DJ music playing throughout the day.This year Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow will be giving out three special scholarships. This is a free family event from 10 Am to 6 PM. 

Background: Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation - which had become official on January 1, 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation had a minor impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new Executive Order. However, with the surrender of General Lee in April of 1865, and the arrival of General Granger’s regiment, the forces were finally strong enough to influence and overcome the resistance.
Juneteenth became a federal holiday in 2021 and this year the federal holiday happens on Wednesday, June 19th. It has been coined as the second Independence Day for the United States.

Next week I will be doing a special tribute to Juneteenth.

Mark your calendars for August 10, 2024. The National Organization for Women (NOW) is hosting the NOW California Conference which I am thrilled about. I will be talking more about it as we get closer to the date. It is going to be a great gathering with chapters from all over the country attending. I will have the honor of opening the conference with the Women’s Spaces Pledge and Ana Salgado, an activist and dear friend will be joining me and give the Pledge in Spanish. That is August 10, 2024, so mark your calendars. I hope to see many of my listeners there and will be happy to give you a copy of the pledge. All information will be listed on www.womensspaces.com


2. Our Guest,  Prof. Lauren Morimoto, Ph.D. discussed her background, academic focus, and involvement in student activism. Her family's experiences during WWII in Hawaii, though not directly interned, influenced her activism. Her initial educational goal to reform the NCAA shifted to a broader focus on the historical and sociological aspects of sport and the importance of somatic education.

Dr. Morimoto spoke about the recent student protests at Sonoma State related to Gaza, emphasizing their embodiment of the Seawolf Commitment, which stresses integrity, respect, excellence, and responsibility. She praised the students' peaceful activism and engagement with the administration, noting the support from former university president Mike Lee. However, she expressed concern about the new administration's reluctance to honor previous agreements, leading to tension and uncertainty.

The Seawolf Commitment, developed by students in 2017, calls for ethical standards, respect, excellence, and responsibility. Dr. Morimoto highlighted how the students' activism aligns with these values. She also mentioned the backlash against the call for an academic boycott of Israel, which she believes has been mischaracterized and misunderstood.

Dr. Morimoto encouraged support for the students through letters to the editor and direct communication with the university administration. She stressed the importance of recognizing and honoring the students' efforts and the agreements made with the former administration. Despite the challenges, she remains proud of the students' thoughtful and engaged approach to activism.

                  Resolution in Support of Seawolf Commitment

Resolved: That the Sonoma State University (SSU) Academic Senate strongly and actively support the Seawolf Commitment that calls for the university community to commit to the highest ethical standards in behavior and treatment of others; and be it further
Resolved: That the SSU Academic Senate urge all members of the university community to integrate the Commitment to Integrity, Respect, Excellence and Responsibility into every aspect of academic and co-curricular life as part of the foundation for the unique identity and campus culture of SSU; and be it further
Resolved: That the SSU Academic Senate thank the students and staff who created the Commitment as a means to foster the advancement of civility, diversity and equity on campus; and be it further
Resolved: That this resolution be distributed to: SSU President, Interim Provost, Vice Presidents, Associated Students, Inc. and all students, faculty and staff.


Full text of Seawolf Commitment, https://diversity.sonoma.edu/cdo/seawolf-commitment 

                                    Seawolf Commitment

Sonoma State University is committed to creating an environment where each student feels welcome and included in the Seawolf community, a community in which bias and intolerance have no place. The Seawolf Commitment exemplifies the expectations that we as a community hold for ourselves and each other. These expectations help us in creating an open and inclusive environment that nurtures the growth and development of all faculty, students, administration, and staff and serves as a guide for our personal and collective behavior.

As a Seawolf, I Commit Myself to the Highest Ethical Standards

I will conduct myself with INTEGRITY in my dealings with students, staff, and faculty

I will RESPECT the rights and dignity of others

I will strive for EXCELLENCE in my academic work and relationships

I have the RESPONSIBILITY to conduct myself as an ethical member of the community

Source: https://getinvolved.sonoma.edu/seawolf-commitment

Approved by the Senate

About our Guest:  Prof. Lauren Morimoto, Ph.D. takes a transdisciplinary approach to teaching and research in kinesiology. Her diverse education (B.A.s in Dramatic Art and History, M.A. in Education, and Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership with a cognate in Black Studies) and international experiences shaped her interest in human movement from multiple perspectives.

Recently, she ran a narrative medicine pilot program and seeks funding to continue it, helping future health professionals understand how their identities influence their experiences. Her research on race, ethnicity, and sport, combined with her experiences as a woman of color with a disability, underscores her commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Dr. Morimoto also served as Sonoma State’s Director of Diversity & Inclusive Excellence and coordinates the Sport & Social Justice Lecture Series. She is the President of the Sonoma County Japanese American Citizens League. She enjoys learning Japanese, crocheting, swimming, and watching ESPN.

Guest Links:

Email of Dr. Lauren Morimoto: LMorimoto@gmail.com

Sonoma State University website: www.sonoma.edu

SSU Seawolf Committment:  https://getinvolved.sonoma.edu/seawolf-commitment

SSU Students for Justice in Palestine Instagram page with list of demands: https://www.instagram.com/ssu.sjp



Our History Is Our Strength

Check out important dates to remember in Herstory at the National Women's History Alliance, where the date descriptions were sourced unless otherwise indicated.

National Women's History Alliance

Special thank you to the National Women’s History Alliance for making women’s history alive. Shout out to Co-Founder and Retiring Executive Director, Molly McGregor who will be on the show when we celebrate Women’s History Month in March for making the fabulous list of Women in History where I get most of the info I present in this Herstory segment.


Herstory Events:

June 10, 1963 – Equal Pay Act enacted: “To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.” (PL 88-38).

June 11, 1913 – Women in Illinois celebrate passage of a state woman suffrage bill allowing women to vote in presidential elections.

Herstory Birthdays:

June 11, 1880 (1973) – Jeannette Rankin, first woman elected to Congress; pacifist and suffragist.

June 12, 1892 (1982) – Djuna Barnes, artist and journalist, author of Nightwood.

Nightwood is a 1936 novel by American author Djuna Barnes that was first published by publishing house Faber and Faber. It is one of the early prominent novels to portray explicit homosexuality between women, and as such can be considered lesbian literature.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightwood

June 14, 1811 (1896) – Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in two volumes in 1852, the novel had a profound effect on attitudes toward African Americans and slavery in the U.S., and is said to have "helped lay the groundwork for the [American] Civil War".[1][2][3]
Stowe, a Connecticut-born woman of English descent, was part of the religious Beecher family and an active abolitionist. She wrote the sentimental novel to depict the reality of slavery while also asserting that Christian love could overcome slavery.[4][5][6] The novel focuses on the character of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave around whom the stories of the other characters revolve.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_Tom%27s_Cabin

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Peace and Justice Center logoWednesday, June 12, 2024 Peace and Justice Center issues new weekly list of events and links to community non-profit organizations: PJC website www.pjcsoco.org


Monday, June 17, 2024 11 AM PT # repeats 11 PM PT, the show will feature Dr. Harriet Fraad on the ERA and freedom for women.  Radio KBBF 89.1 FM, North SF Bay or live streaming at https://kbbf.org/live


Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 11 AM PT, repeat of Monday's show that will feature Dr. Harriet Fraad on the ERA and freedom for women.  Radio KPCA 103.3 FM, Petaluma, CA. https://petalumacommunityaccess.org/kpca


Saturday, June 15, 2024, 10 AM to 6 PM, 54th Annual MLK Juneteenth Community Festival Celebration, Martin Luther King Park, 171 Hendley Street, Santa Rosa, CA (east of the fairgrounds). For more info, arrange for a booth or sponsorship see https://www.sonomacountyjuneteenth.com/

54th Annual MLK Juneteenth Community Festival Celebration


CA NOW (National Organizaion for Women) Conference Aug. 10, 2024Saturday, August 10, 2024, National Organization for Women (NOW) - California Conference, at the Presbyterian Church of the Roses in Santa Rosa. To volunteer, have a booth, to sponsor - please contact NOW Sonoma County at info@nowsonoma.org, or see CA NOW's webpage at https://www.canow.org/2024-annual-conference/ .

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Music Selections

The Opening and Closing Theme song The Woman in Your Life is You is done with permission of the Composer and Singer Alix Dobkin ((August 16, 1940 – May 19, 2021) Alix Dobkin death was just announced - Thank you for all you did for Lesbians to be recognized and Women to be honored. May you rest in peace. See our Interview with Alix Dobkin on 12/1/2014 and our Memorial to Alix Dobkin on 5/24/2021

The Woman in Your Life is You by Alix Dobkin from the album Living with Lavender Jane (2010 Women's Wax Works) - www.alixdobkin.com

Democracy, a Leonard Cohen cover sung by Burns Sister Band from the album Wild Bouquet (2006 Ithaca Records)


For music purchasing opportunity, supporting the artists: 

Link:  Spinitron.com Playlist for Women's Spaces Show  



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9/1/12: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming its 1-Hour show on Radio KBBF 89.1 FM, Mondays live at 11:00 AM and repeats at 11:00 PM. kbbf.org


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3/5/2018: The Women's Spaces Show  is airing and streaming Wednesdays at 11:00 AM on Radio KPCA 103.3 FM. It is a repeat of Monday's live show. Click here for website.



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The William Hermanns Trust featuring the Life and Works of William Hermanns 1895-1990 including the two books shown: The Holcaust-from a Survivor of Verdun and Einstein and the Poet-In Search of the Cosmic Man.

Ken Norton is also the Trustee of the William Hermanns Trust, whose Life and Works are remembered at this website. Check out the poetry and essays.


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9/1/12: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming its 1-Hour show on Radio KBBF Mondays live at 11:00 AM and repeats at 11:00 PM..



Poetry of Elaine

I Am Woman

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3/13/18: The Women's Spaces Show begins airing and streaming a repeat of Monday's live show Wednesdays at 11:00 AM on KPCA.

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