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Marianne Williamson has returned to Women's Spaces for our show in 9/18/2023 Conversation. Previously she was on our 1/14/2013 and 2/25/2013 shows on
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 Gloria AllredAttorney Gloria Allred has returned to Women's Spaces for our July 11, 2022 show on the SCOTUS Reversal of Roe v Wade and Next Steps. She also contributed as a guest on March 5, 2018, and on June 15, 2020.
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Lynn Woolsey, Former Congresswoman, Marin/SonomaLynn Woolsey, Congress-woman (Retired) returned on 10/16/2023 and on  8/162021 to speak on bold steps for our Nation to take.

Dr. Jean Shinoda Boilen, Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen
 returned on Monday June 29, 2020 as a guest on Women's Spaces to discuss the  Millionth Circle of women coming together.  Visit the show's page by clicking here.



Before Deciding

When our representatives are making important decisions that impact all of our lives I believe it is important to ask one basic question before making
those decisions,
Is this good for
the children?

Just imagine what our world would be like if that question was asked prior to making decisions about going to war, the environment, education or healthcare.


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Author Rivera Sun on Her Modern Mother's Day Proclamation

May 13, 2024

Original Radio Show  ID:

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Duration 57 minutes


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1. Commentary by Elaine B. Holtz,  Host of Women's Spaces 

2. Rivera Sun, Author, Modern Day Mother's Day Proclamation


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Herstory       Announcements  

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1Commentary by Elaine B. Holtz:  Hello everybody and welcome to Women’s Spaces. My name is Elaine B. Holtz, and I am your host. With me at the board is my friend, partner and engineer, Ken Norton.

I have a special guest this morning. Joining me on the phone is Rivera Sun. Rivera Sun has written numerous books and novels, including The Dandelion Insurrection and the award-winning Ari Ara Series. She is the editor of Nonviolence News and the Program Coordinator for Campaign Nonviolence. Rivera Sun is a member of CODEPINK and has written an updated version of the Mother’s Day Proclamation written in 1870 by Julia Ward Howe. Since yesterday we celebrated Mother’s Day, this is an important program.

Happy Mother’s Day to all those listening. Loved being with my family and friends. A shout out to my daughter Susan, she is a beautiful spirit, wonderful mother and now grandmother. Without her birth all of us would not be gathering. To the mothers of the earth in war Zones my heart goes out to you. This show is dedicated to you with the hope that in understanding the History of Mother’s Day along with growing to understand that all mothers need to stand together with the Strength of the winds for Justice and Peace. For a future for all that we have given and that being life itself.

We are going to take a musical break, the song I will be playing is: Mother’s Day Proclamation: by Julia Howe recited by Ghizela Rowe.
This I believe is an important song for this program Women have been calling for peace for hundreds of years. We need to be asking what is it that stops us from finding our way to Peace? What is it in us that justifies the killing of each other? We must find the answers.

When we return, joining me on the phone is Rivera Sun, an accomplished author and is a member of CODEPINK, women for Peace. Sun has written an updated version of the Mother’s Day Proclamation written in 1870 by Julia Ward Howe. Since yesterday we celebrated Mother’s Day, this is an important program. Our history is our strength and Mother’s Day was intended to be a day that women stood strong for peace. As women we need to know our history and stand up for the future of all children.


              Mother's Day Peace Proclamation by Rivera Sun

Instead of flowers, give us peace.

Instead of brunch, ends the wars.

Let no more mothers raise their children to kill other mothers’ children.

Each day, the cruelties of war demand the blood sacrifices of mothers, children, young and old, civilian and soldier, foreign and domestic.

It is time to say: no more! To put down our foot, each and every one and reject the military’s demand for blood sacrifices in all their many forms.

Neither the flesh of our flesh, nor the children of other mothers, nor the prosperity of our labors, nor the Earth’s vitality should be sacrificed to the false idols of war.

We, the mothers and children of mothers, demand respect for our common mother, the Earth, and for the end of the military’s violations of her being.

To commemorate Mother’s Day without demanding these changes rings flat. For every mother appreciating the beauty of the spring, there is another mother screaming under the terror of bombs and bullets. For every mother savoring breakfast in bed, there is another mother hungry and unhoused, stateless and fleeing from war.

We, the mothers and children of mothers, stand united against war and for the well-being of people and planet.

On this Mother’s Day 2019, let us promise to protect all children and our imperiled planet. Let no mother’s child kill another mother’s child. Let every mother stand against war. Let every mother call for peace. Let every mother’s cry be heard.

This Mother’s Day, instead of flowers, give us peace. Instead of brunch, end all wars.


2. Our Guest Rivera Sun, an activist and author, shares her journey and motivations focused on peace and justice,. She reflects on her upbringing on an organic farm in Maine, which taught her the importance of sustainable living and nonviolent resistance from a young age. Sun emphasizes the significance of cultural, artistic, and creative approaches to activism, considering them powerful tools in societal change.

Sun credits her early activism influences, particularly the story of Samantha Smith, a young girl who wrote to the Soviet Union's president during the Cold War, humanizing the Russians and contributing to the conflict's de-escalation.
Sun discusses the challenges her family faced in getting their produce into grocery stores, leading them to form a cooperative of small farms, which taught her the power of collective action. She also highlights her involvement with Code Pink, an organization known for its bold anti-war stance, and their initiative to rewrite the Mother's Day Proclamation, making it more relevant to contemporary issues and inclusive of diverse perspectives.

Sun's work includes writing the "Ari Ara" series, fantasy novels that promote nonviolent resistance over violence, aimed at young readers. She believes in the power of storytelling to inspire and equip the next generation with tools for peaceful conflict resolution. Sun also mentions the importance of nonviolent action in achieving social change and the need for more stories that reflect these values.

She emphasizes the critical role of women in peace movements, citing studies that show peace deals are more effective and lasting when women are involved. Sun encourages staying connected with movements, educating oneself on nonviolent resistance, and actively participating in social change efforts.

In closing, Rivera Sun reflects on her role as the editor of Nonviolence News, where she compiles stories of nonviolent actions globally, and notes the continuous efforts of people advocating for peace. She urges women to use their inherent power to stand up for peace and justice, suggesting resources like Nonviolence International and Pam McAllister's books for further learning and inspiration.

About our Guest: Rivera Sun, Author/Activist, has written numerous books and novels, including The Dandelion Insurrection and the award-winning Ari Ara Series. She is the editor of Nonviolence News and the Program Coordinator for Campaign Nonviolence. Her articles are syndicated by Peace Voice and published in hundreds of journals nationwide. Rivera Sun is a member of CODEPINK, serves on the Advisory Board of World BEYOND War, and is on the board of Backbone Campaign.

Guest Links:

Rivera Sun's website:  https://riverasun.com/

Codepink website:  https://www.codepink.org/

World BEYOND War  https://worldbeyondwar.org/

Campaign Nonviolence: https://paceebene.org/campaign-nonviolence

Research Links:

The story of Samantha Smith inspired Rivera Sun

                                         Samantha Smith
Samantha Reed Smith (June 29, 1972 – August 25, 1985) was an American peace activist and child actress from Manchester, Maine, who became famous for her anti-war outreaches during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1982, Smith wrote a letter to the newly appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Yuri Andropov, and received a personal reply with an invitation to visit the Soviet Union, which she accepted.

Smith attracted extensive media attention in both countries as a "Goodwill Ambassador", becoming known as America's Youngest Ambassador and subsequently participating in peacemaking activities in Japan.[2] With the assistance of her father, Arthur (an academic), she wrote a book titled Journey to the Soviet Union, which chronicled her visit to the country. She later became a child actress, hosting a child-oriented special on the 1984 United States presidential election for The Disney Channel and playing a co-starring role in the television series Lime Street. Smith died at the age of 13 in 1985, onboard Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808, which crashed short of the runway on final approach to the Auburn/Lewiston Municipal Airport in Maine.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Smith


Recommended by Rivera Sun: Pam McAlister, Author, You Can’t Kill the Spirit: Stories of Women and Nonviolent Action, and other books: https://www.pammcallisterauthor.com/



Our History Is Our Strength

Check out important dates to remember in Herstory at the National Women's History Alliance, where the date descriptions were sourced unless otherwise indicated.

National Women's History Alliance

Special thank you to the National Women’s History Alliance for making women’s history alive. Shout out to Co-Founder and Retiring Executive Director, Molly McGregor who will be on the show when we celebrate Women’s History Month in March for making the fabulous list of Women in History where I get most of the info I present in this Herstory segment.


Herstory Events:

May 12, 1968 – A 12-block Mother’s Day march of “welfare mothers” is held in Washington, D.C., led by Coretta Scott King accompanied by Ethel Kennedy.

                       Poor People’s Campaign 1968

Women and family issues were central among the movement’s demands. Women not only helped frame the antipoverty movement’s goals, women helped reframe new models for social movement leadership. Coretta Scott King noted the role of women in her speech at the campaign’s first public event.

“I firmly believe our last and best hope for a future of brotherhood and peace, lies in the effective use of woman power.” Coretta Scott King Mothers’ Day March, May 12, 1968.

On May 12, 1968, two weeks after the coalition of 100 leaders met with federal agencies, the Poor People’s Campaign officially launched with its first public demonstration, a Mother’s Day March and rally. Coretta Scott King led the event, and the National Welfare Rights Organization was the principal organizer. NWRO worked with grassroots organizations to bring hundreds of participants to Washington from across the country. Thousands of demonstrators participated.

Source:  National Museum of African American History & Culture website

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Ongoing: SSU Students for Justice in Palestine:  www.instagram.com/ssu.sjp

SSU Students for Justice in Palestine May 7t  Encampment

Demands of SSU-SJP encampment


Peace and Justice Center logoWednesday, May 15, 2024 Peace and Justice Center issues new weekly list of events and links to community non-profit organizations: PJC website www.pjcsoco.org


Luther Burbank Rose Parade logoSaturday, May 18, 2024, Luther Burbank Rose Parade, Downtown Santa Rosa, CA. See interactive map at https://www.lbroseparade.com/


Monday, May 20, 2024 11 AM PT # repeats 11 PM PT, the show will feature guests: Dr. Andrea Hall, Community Outreach Coordinator for the North Bay Black Chamber of Commerce on their float for the Santa Rosa Rose Parade on Saturday 5/18/24.  Radio KBBF 89.1 FM, North SF Bay or live streaming at https://kbbf.org/live


Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 11 AM PT, repeat of Monday's show that will feature guests: Dr. Andrea Hall, Community Outreach Coordinator for the North Bay Black Chamber of Commerce on their float for the Santa Rosa Rose Parade on Saturday 5/18/24.  Radio KPCA 103.3 FM, Petaluma, CA. https://petalumacommunityaccess.org/kpca


Saturday, June 15, 2024, 10 AM to 6 PM, 54th Annual MLK Juneteenth Community Festival Celebration, Martin Luther King Park, 171 Hendley Street, Santa Rosa, CA (east of the fairgrounds). For more info, arrange for a booth or sponsorship see https://www.sonomacountyjuneteenth.com/

54th Annual MLK Juneteenth Community Festival Celebration


CA NOW (National Organizaion for Women) Conference Aug. 10, 2024Saturday, August 10, 2024, National Organization for Women (NOW) - California Conference, at the Presbyterian Church of the Roses in Santa Rosa. To volunteer, have a booth, to sponsor - please contact NOW Sonoma County at info@nowsonoma.org, or see CA NOW's webpage at https://www.canow.org/2024-annual-conference/ .

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Music Selections

The Opening and Closing Theme song The Woman in Your Life is You is done with permission of the Composer and Singer Alix Dobkin ((August 16, 1940 – May 19, 2021) Alix Dobkin death was just announced - Thank you for all you did for Lesbians to be recognized and Women to be honored. May you rest in peace. See our Interview with Alix Dobkin on 12/1/2014 and our Memorial to Alix Dobkin on 5/24/2021

The Woman in Your Life is You by Alix Dobkin from the album Living with Lavender Jane (2010 Women's Wax Works) - www.alixdobkin.com

Mother’s Day Proclamation: by Julia Howe, recited by Ghizela Rowe, from the album The Female Poet - Vol #3 (Released January 5, 2014 @2014 @copyright group).

Blowing in the Wind, sung by the Seekers from the album The Ultimate Collection (2007 Parlophone Records , LTD A Warner Music Group Company).

,For the Mothers, sung by Betsy Rose and the Women’s Chorus, from the album Welcome to the Circle (Paper Crane Paper).


For music purchasing opportunity, supporting the artists: 

Link:  Spinitron.com Playlist for Women's Spaces Show  



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3/5/2018: The Women's Spaces Show  is airing and streaming Wednesdays at 11:00 AM on Radio KPCA 103.3 FM. It is a repeat of Monday's live show. Click here for website.



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I Am Woman

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